How can a Chiropractor help an infant to feed ?
Nothing is more precious than an ability for a mother to nurse her newborn.
Over my 31 years as a Chiropractor many newborns have been brought to my office no longer latching on, nursing from only one side, with colic, torticolis and/or lack of regular bowel movements.
The attached research article and podcast dives into how birth trauma can misalign the spine especially the skull, occiput, atlas ( C1 or first cervical vertebrae) and axis ( C2 or second cervical vertebrae ) but also the TMJ resulting in both mechanical and neurological interference. This interference prevents proper nursing.
The specific Chiropractic adjustment restores mechanical and neurological function allowing the natural function of the infant to return. Many times the end result is the infant will begin to nurse again, be less colicy and have more regular bowel movements.
I hope you enjoy reading and listening. Let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. J