Scoliosis Treatment Q&A

Common Q&A for Scoliosis Treatment
1. In the Mix, Fix, Set information, most of this seems to be mechanical. Will there also be strengthening exercises so the muscles begin to behave correctly?
The Set phase is all strengthening exercises. The Scoliosis Traction Chair is strengthening the spine in a corrected non-gravity environment. Spinal Weighting exercises are using the body’s righting reflex to strengthen the muscles that reduce the scoliosis.
2. Is there a manual manipulation component as well?
Many scoliosis patients have ligament damage in their spines. Thus, we mainly use instrument and drop adjustments.
3. Regarding the bracing: is the brace required?
The brace is not a requirement but the larger the curve, the better the results when combining the CLEAR protocols with an overcorrective brace like ScoliBrace. The is especially important with curves over 30 degrees, but can be used with smaller curve to improve results.
What is the advantage and what would expected outcomes be if we didn’t go with the brace?
With larger curves over 30 degrees, some exercise may make curves worse. The ScoliBrace helps to insure the spine is strengthened in a reduced position.
4. Is the ScoliBrace ever adjusted?
Yes. The ScoliBrace may go through multiple adjustments. Adjustments may start on the first visit.
If so, are ScoliBrace adjustments included in the cost?
Adjustment for the first 90 days are included in the Brace cost.
5. Is the amount of time in the brace negotiable? Is it something that could be done for 12-15 hours a day, removing the school time use need?
Brace effectiveness is based on in brace correction confirmed on x-ray and wearing time. Consistency with 20 hours per day has been shown to get the best results.