Experiencing life is best when you are healthy!
Are you healthy enough to experience and enjoy everything that life has to offer? Beginning with comprehensive tests, Science Based Nutrition™ provides an in-depth analysis of your total system. Problem areas are identified and carefully documented so that proactive measures may be taken to attain optimal health.
Case Studies
100% drug free solutions for you that can greatly improve your overall health. Dr. J Hartley will discuss with you the results that Science Based Nutrition™ has had on a range of conditions and symptoms that patients had. We see amazing results for our patients! Proactive measures through this targeted program have greatly improved the lives of patients.
The Science
Science Based Nutrition™ is an innovative, science-based look at nutritional strengths and weaknesses through an individual’s blood, urine, hair and stool analysis. This targeted science based approach can offer a clear plan for determining and monitoring nutritional recommendations. Prevention is the basis for flagging markers that may not yet be in a clinically problem range. Wouldn’t you want to make minor changes now to avoid big problems later?
The Science Based Nutrition™ blood chemistry panel allows a baseline of biomarkers to track your health and nutritional needs. Upon retesting, you can compare results and see the progress that recommendations have on your health.
Lifestyle recommendations and dietary recommendations are customized based upon the patient’s test results, gender, weight and severity of condition. The Science Based Nutrition™ program is available to you at Hartley Chiropractic and Scoliosis Center.
Interested? We are happy to answer any questions that you may have to get started!