The month of June is internationally dedicated to scoliosis and is represented with a green ribbon.
Often, a diagnosis of scoliosis leads to despair and the fear of not being able to live one’s daily life because of wearing a brace.
It is not so! We don’t want to say that it is easy or doesn’t require many sacrifices, but that despite the brace or wearing it, you can continue, for example, to practice sports. Even at a high competitive level, even with champion results, as in the case of the three stories we offer you in this month dedicated to scoliosis.
This applies not only to the champions but also to all our patients who have participated inour national competitiondedicated to scoliosis.
Gaia, an artistic gymnastics champion
In November 2023, Gaia was diagnosed with scoliosis with primary right thoracic and left thoracic lumbar curves. A diagnosis that sounds like a condemnation for her passions. In fact, Gaia has been practicing artistic gymnastics since she was 5 years old…
I’m Tommaso, I’m 15 years old, I live in the province of Padua, and I’m in my first year of scientific high school. I have always been passionate about volleyball. Compared to my other classmates and friends, I was always a little taller than average. Since September 2022, I have been part of the youth sector of Volleyball Padova…
Since I was a child, I have always loved sports, so much so that I started practising karate at the age of 4. I certainly never imagined that just three years later I would find myself facing something bigger than myself: scoliosis.
I remember very well the first day I wore the brace; I wasn’t sad, I was just very confused. Going to karate classes with a brace became increasingly difficult…